Greetings and Salutations!
Welcome to M'dore LLC pronounced (Ma-Door). My name is Leticia ( Mimi) Pearson owner and founder of M'dore LLC.
M'dore LLC was created with wig making for theater, women and children in mind that have lost their hair due to a medical condition, or moms that have lost their hair due to postpartum pregnancy in mind.
I began making wigs in 2002 when in cosmetology school as a finale project I used the leftover hair extensions to create a wig. At that moment I realized while making the wig how many people have lost their hair and how this could help them.
In 2013 my mom was diagnosed with stage 2 Breast cancer, and while she was going through chemo treatments I would sit with her and research on how to design a wig or customized a wig for her that would not slide off. I tried using different methods for the wig not to slide off also not be too hot as well. In the end result of her recovery, as her hair began to grow back, I customized one of her lace wigs and made it into a topper.
In October 2022 I personally experienced postpartum hair loss. Researching about other moms that have experienced the same thing not right after pregnancy but as I did years after. That is when M'dore LLC was confirmed to be, and i knew I had to pursue a career in wig making and provide ventilating services.
January 2023 signed up for Lace Wig University to become more experienced and become a professional wig maker. The journey has been nothing but exciting and knowledgeable.
M'dore LLC is a heartfelt company that enjoys and has fun ventilating being part of the wonderful world of hair!
Thank you kindly for stopping by to view the M'dore LLC page and feel free to contact us for our ventilating services and follow our journey!